TH = { /* EXAMPLES: //On click of a button, update some Theas form field values, then submit the form $('#btnSubmit').click(function (){ th('PerformUpdate', '1'); th('EmployerJob:JobDescription', $('#editor').cleanHtml()); th('th:NextPage', 'pageCreateEmployerAccountStep2'); $('#jobForm').submit(); }); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// heartbeatTimer: null, currentHeartbeat: null, formID: 'theasForm', //Value for id attribute of the Theas form lastError: null, origDialogTitle: null, origDialogContent: null, isReady: false, onReady: null, pendingAsyncs: [], ready: function (func) { let that = this; that.onReady = func; if (that.isReady) { that.onReady(that); } }, //Utility function to translate a date provided by SQL into a javascript date dateFromSQLString: function (s) { let d = null; if (s.trim().length) { let bits = s.split(/[-T:]/g); d = new Date(bits[0], bits[1] - 1, bits[2]); if (bits[3] + bits[4] + bits[5] > 0) { d.setHours(bits[3], bits[4], bits[5]); } } return d; }, uuidv4: function () { return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ) }, isBase64: function(buf) { // see: const notBase64 = /[^A-Z0-9+\/=]/i; if (typeof buf != 'string') { return false; } const len = buf.length; if (!len || len % 4 !== 0 || notBase64.test(buf)) { return false; } const firstPaddingChar = buf.indexOf('='); return firstPaddingChar === -1 || firstPaddingChar === len - 1 || (firstPaddingChar === len - 2 && buf[len - 1] === '='); }, //Utility function to format a date provided by SQL mdyFromSQLString: function (s) { let that = this; let thisDate = that.dateFromSQLString(s); let thisDateStr = ''; if (thisDate) { thisDateStr = thisDate.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + thisDate.getDate() + "/" + thisDate.getFullYear(); } return thisDateStr; }, //Return a theas control. Optionally, sets the value of the control first. get: function (ctrlName, newValue, persist=true) { let that = this; let thisCtrl; if (ctrlName) { if (ctrlName.indexOf('theas:') !== 0 && persist) { ctrlName = 'theas:' + ctrlName; } let thisForm = $('#' + that.formID); thisCtrl = thisForm.find('*[name="' + ctrlName + '"]'); if (thisCtrl.length === 0) { thisCtrl = null; } if (typeof newValue !== 'undefined') { if (!thisCtrl) { //auto-create a new control let $thForm = $('#' + th.formID); if ($thForm && $thForm.length) { $thForm.append($('')); } thisCtrl = $('*[name="' + ctrlName + '"]'); } if (thisCtrl) { thisCtrl.val(newValue); } } } return thisCtrl; }, getval: function (ctrlName, newValue, persist=true) { let that = this; let thisCtrl = that.get(ctrlName, newValue, persist); let thisVal; if (thisCtrl) { thisVal = thisCtrl.val(); } return thisVal; }, setval: function (ctrlName, newValue, persist=true) { let that = this; return that.get(ctrlName, newValue, persist); }, //Update all theas controls as per the updateStr updateAll: function (updateStr) { let that = this; let buf = ''; if (that.isBase64(updateStr)) { buf = atob(updateStr) } else { buf = updateStr } // updateStr might be either URL-encoded name/value pairs or JSON // if JSON, we are looking for theasParams try { let jsonBuf = JSON.parse(buf); let theasDict = jsonBuf['theasParams']; // and Object.keys(theasDict).forEach(function(key) { th.setval(key, theasDict[key]); }); } catch { try { let that = this; let nv; if (buf) { buf = buf.split('&'); for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { nv = buf[i].split('='); if (nv[0]) { that.get(decodeURIComponent(nv[0]), decodeURIComponent(nv[1])); } } } } catch (e) { th.get('th:ErrorMessage', 'TH.updateAll could not parse the TheasParams update string.'); that.haveError(true); } } }, //Encode value of all Theas controls encodeAll: function () { $('*[name^="theas:"]').each(function (index) { let that = this; let $that = $(that); $that.val(encodeURIComponent($that.val())); }); }, //Decode value of all Theas controls decodeAll: function (namePrefix) { if (!namePrefix) { namePrefix = 'theas:'; } $('[name^="' + namePrefix + '"]').each(function (index) { let that = this; let $that = $(that); $that.val(decodeURIComponent($that.val())); }); }, //Serialize all theas controls into a string serialize: function () { let that = this; let buf = ''; $('*[name^="theas:"]').each(function (index) { let that = this; let $that = $(that); buf = buf + $that.attr('name') + '=' + encodeURIComponent($that.val()) + '&'; }); return buf; }, //Clear all theas controls and cookies clearAll: function () { let that = this; $('*[name^="theas:"]').each(function (index) { let $that = $(that); $that.val(''); }); }, //Simple error handler for Async errors receiveAsyncError: function (thisjqXHR, thisStatus, thisError) { let that = this; let debug = 0; if (debug) { alert('Error waiting for async response: ' + thisStatus); } //that.clearAll(); //that.sendAsync('logout'); //window.location = '/' that.raiseError('Error waiting for async response: ' + thisjqXHR.status.toString() + ' (' + thisjqXHR.statusText + ')'); }, //Default function for onReceive of Async response receiveAsync: function (dataReceived, status) { //Server will send one body of data. Technically, this can be anything: XML, JSON, URL-encoded //name-value pairs, binary data, etc. Theas expects that the default is simply URL-encoded //name-value pairs, and that the pairs provided are theas controls. //To support receiving a different type of data, simply pass sendAsync a different function for //onSuccess. let debug = 0; if (debug === 1) { alert(dataReceived); } if (dataReceived) { if (dataReceived === 'invalidSession') { this.thisConfig.thisTheas.raiseError('Async response indicates invalidSession'); } else if (dataReceived === 'sessionOK') { let noop = null } else { this.thisConfig.thisTheas.updateAll(dataReceived); } } if (!this.thisConfig.thisTheas.haveError(true)){ if (this.afterSuccess) { this.afterSuccess(dataReceived, this.thisConfig); } } }, //Send Async request sendAsync: function (cmd, config = { onAfterSuccess: null, onSuccess: null, thisURL: 'async', origEvent: null, timeout: null }, dataToSend, onSuccess ) { let that = this; if (!config) { config = {}; } if (config.origEvent) { //for convenience: we don't want the button click to submit the form. config.origEvent.preventDefault(); } let buf = ''; if (cmd) { buf = buf + 'cmd=' + cmd + '&'; } buf = buf + '_xsrf=' + $('input[name="_xsrf"]').val() + '&' + that.serialize(); if (dataToSend) { buf = buf + '&' + dataToSend + '&'; } if (!config.thisUrl) { config.thisUrl = 'async'; } if (onSuccess) { // respect positional parameter for backwards-compabibility, // but coppy function reference to config.onSuccess config.onSuccess = onSuccess; } if (!config.onSuccess) { config.onSuccess = that.receiveAsync; } config.requestID = that.uuidv4(); config.dateStart =; config.thisTheas = that; $.ajax({ url: config.thisUrl, type: 'POST', cache: false, timeout: config.timeout, //30000, dataType: 'text', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', data: buf, thisConfig : config, success: config.onSuccess, afterSuccess: config.onAfterSuccess, }); }, beforeSubmit: function () { let that = this; let isOK = true; th.get('th:PerformUpdate', '1'); //explicitly validate each focusable form element to trigger display of hints $('#' + that.formID).find('input[type!="hidden"],select,textarea').each(function (i, el) { if (!el.checkValidity()) { $(el).addClass('is-invalid'); $(el).parent('label').addClass('is-invalid'); } else { $(el).removeClass('is-invalid'); $(el).parent('label').removeClass('is-invalid'); } }); //explicitly verify that the whole form is valid before submitting if ($('#' + that.formID)[0].checkValidity()) { // encode all form values // actually...we can trust the browser to encode before performing the submit //that.encodeAll(); isOK = true; } else { that.get('th:ErrorMessage', 'One or more fields have incomplete or invalid values.'); that.haveError(true); isOK = false; } $('#' + that.formID).addClass('was-validated'); return isOK; }, submitForm: function (e, performUpdate) { let that = this; let isOK = true; if (e === true) { // set the Theas param th:PerformUpdate to tell the server it should treat this // form post as an update request e = null; performUpdate = true; } if (!e) { e = window.event; } if (e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (e.stopPropagation) { //IE9 & Other Browsers e.stopPropagation(); } else { //IE8 and Lower e.cancelBubble = true; } } if (performUpdate) { isOK = that.beforeSubmit(); } if (isOK) { $('#' + that.formID).submit(); } return isOK; }, receiveHeartbeat: function(dataReceived, thisConfig) { let that = this; //call the onHeartbeat function thisConfig.onHeartbeat(dataReceived, thisConfig); // clear the currentHeartbeat flag thisConfig.thisTheas.currentHeartbeat = null; // schedule our next beat thisConfig.thisTheas.sendHeartbeat(thisConfig.onHeartbeat, thisConfig.thisTheas.heartbeatSeconds); }, sendHeartbeat: function (onHeartbeat, delaySeconds) { let that = this; if (delaySeconds || delaySeconds == 0) { that.heartbeatSeconds = delaySeconds; that.heartbeatTimer = window.setTimeout( (function () { if (!that.currentHeartbeat || ( - that.currentHeartbeat > 60)) { // If there is a pending request, and it is not "stuck" (not more than 60 // seconds old), we don't want to send another heartbeat. that.currentHeartbeat =; that.sendHeartbeat(onHeartbeat); } }), that.heartbeatSeconds * 1000 ); } else { that.sendAsync('heartbeat', { onAfterSuccess: that.receiveHeartbeat, onHeartbeat: onHeartbeat }, that.serialize() ); } }, sync: function () { let that = this; that.sendAsync('theasParams'); }, getModal: function () { // Retrieves (or creates) modal. If needed, set certain defaults and performs a push to the modalStack. // Note that there is only ONE modal, and this gets modified as needed each time it is displayed. // Attributes for the modal (body, header, buttons, et al) are pushed to the modalStack each time // the modal is displayed, and are popped when the modal is hidden. In this way this single // modal can be used even in nested showModal calls. let that = this; // make sure the modal exists let $thMsgDlg = $('#thMsgModal'); if (!$thMsgDlg.length) { $('body').append(''); } $thMsgDlg = $('#thMsgModal'); if ($thMsgDlg.length) { if (typeof $'modalStack') == 'undefined' || $'modalStack').length === 0) { let origState = { msg: $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-body').html(), title: $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-title').text(), onClose: null, goBackOnClose: false, skipDefaultClose: false, focusedElem: document.activeElement, buttonHtml: $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-footer').html() }; $'modalStack', []); $'modalStack').push(origState); $'doOnClose', origState.onClose); $'goBackOnClose', origState.goBackOnClose); $'skipDefaultClose', origState.skipDefaultClose); $'focusedElem', origState.focusedElem); //$thMsgDlg.find('.modal-footer').html(prevState.buttonHtml) // define onClick handler for modal close button $thMsgDlg.find('button.close').click(function () { $thMsgDlg.modal('hide'); }); // define onClose handler $thMsgDlg.on('', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (typeof $'doOnClose') == 'function') { if (!$(e).hasClass('cancel')){ $'doOnClose')($thMsgDlg); } } if (!$'skipDefaultClose')) { $thMsgDlg.modal('hide'); // navigate back in history if applicable if ($'goBackOnClose') && window.history.length) { window.history.back(); } else { let $origFocused = $($'focusedElem')); if ($origFocused.length > 0){ $origFocused.focus(); } } } if ($'modalStack').length > 1) { $'modalStack').pop(); } let prevState = $'modalStack')[$'modalStack').length-1]; $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-body').html(prevState.msg); $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-title').text(prevState.title); $'doOnClose', prevState.onClose); $'goBackOnClose', prevState.goBackOnClose); $'skipDefaultClose', prevState.skipDefaultClose); $'focusedElem', prevState.focusedElem); $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-footer').html(prevState.buttonHtml); }); } } else { $thMsgDlg = null; } return $thMsgDlg; }, showModal: function (msg, title, onClose, goBackOnClose, skipDefaultClose) { let that = this; let $thMsgDlg = that.getModal(); if (!$thMsgDlg.length) { throw 'Modal not found.' } let newState = { msg: msg, title: title, onClose: onClose, goBackOnClose: goBackOnClose, skipDefaultClose: false, focused: document.activeElement, buttonHtml: $'modalStack')[0].buttonHtml }; $'modalStack').push(newState); $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-body').html(newState.msg); $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-title').text(newState.title); $'doOnClose', newState.onClose); $'goBackOnClose', newState.goBackOnClose); $'skipDefaultClose', newState.skipDefaultClose); $'focusedElem', newState.focusedElem); $thMsgDlg.find('.modal-footer').html(newState.buttonHtml); $thMsgDlg.modal('show'); return $thMsgDlg }, raiseError: function (errMsg) { let that = this; that.get('th:ErrorMessage', errMsg); that.haveError(true); }, haveError: function (showModal, backOnError, onClose) { let that = this; if (typeof showModal == 'undefined') { //set default value showModal = true; } if (typeof backOnError == 'undefined') { //set default value backOnError = false; } let haveError = false; if (that.get('th:ErrorMessage')) { let thErrorMsg = that.get('th:ErrorMessage').val(); if (thErrorMsg) { haveError = true; th.lastError = thErrorMsg; // clear the error message that.get('th:ErrorMessage', ''); that.sendAsync('clearError'); if (showModal) { let msgParts = thErrorMsg.split('|'); let msgTitle = 'Error'; if (msgParts.length > 1) { msgTitle = msgParts[1]; thErrorMsg = msgParts[0]; } th.showModal(thErrorMsg, msgTitle, onClose, backOnError); } } } return haveError; } }; th = TH; $(document).ready(function () { // Decode all Theas control values th.decodeAll(); $('._thControl').css('visibility', 'visible'); th.isReady = true; if (th.onReady) { th.onReady(th); } });